Solid pulmonary nodule follow up (Fleishner criteria)

Nodule size

< 4 mm

Low risk patient- no follow up
High risk patient- CT 12 months, if unchanged, no further follow up.

4-6 mm

Low risk patient- CT in 12 months, if unchanged, no further follow up.
High risk patient- CT in 6 months and then at 18 months, if unchanged, no further follow up.

6-8 mm

Low risk patient- CT in 6 months and then at 18 months, if unchanged, no further follow up.
High risk patient- CT in 3 months, 9 months and 24 months, if unchanged, no further follow up.

> 8 mm

Low risk patients- Biopsy (suspicious) vs PET scan (indeterminate) vs CT in 3 months, 9 months and 24 months, if unchanged, no further follow up.
High risk patients- same as for low risk.